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res·o·nance - noun
"Electricity- that condition of a circuit with respect to a given frequency or the like in which the net reactance is zero and the current flow a maximum." This definition of resonance as electricity is a great scientific way of the truth - we are all energy. What frequency do you choose to resonate at?

This blog is the beginning of The Resonant Man Project - a journey of discovery into what makes for an awake, aware and alive mature man. The entries will draw from many sources. The focus is global.

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Remember: to shine your brilliant light on all you are being, doing and having. You choose your destiny with every breath.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Resonant Men in the Midst of Sorrow

Yesterday, I happened to ask a work colleague where he was on 9/11/2001. I never expected quite this story. Please read this short version of Oscar’s story. First, a quote from what I deem a film of great importance with this story and 9/11 – Crash:
“Every day we are faced with reactions. How we interpret a situation colors our perceptions of daily life.” I say it a bit differently – everyday we are faced with peoples (our our own) judgments. It is our (my) choice on how I interpret and react to what I feel from the outside. In the end – it’s an inside-out job. Oscar is an American citizen, born in NYC and brought up mostly in Columbia. On 9/10/2001 he drove from Vancouver, BC to Seattle for a job interview the next day, leaving his wife back in Canada. He was between jobs. On 9/11/2001 at 7am in his hotel room he sees what’s going on in disbelief. His first thoughts are – “This is like in the comic books I read as a kid when aliens would destroy New York City. This can’t be real!” Recognizing he had to get to the interview he gets ready. He wore a goatee in those days (see picture) and left it in tact. As he drives along I-405 he sees several people pulling over as they weep in their cars. He drives slowly as in a funeral procession and in an altered state, yet very conscious to where he is and where he needs to get. Soon he sees flashing Police lights behind him and he pulls over. A cop comes to his window with his hand on his gun holster. He asks in a rude and harsh tone: “Where are you going?” Oscar replies: “To a job interview Officer and since I haven’t committed a violation I need to get going.” Officer: “Show me your passport. What is your nationality?” Oscar says: “I am a US citizen and don’t need to travel with a passport in my own country and Officer you are racial profiling me?” This continues for some time till the officer lets him go. Next Oscar stops at a coffee shop to get a snack and coffee. Service is very slow. As he waits, a cop comes in and goes through an identical drill of questions. At the end of this round Oscar is shook up enough that he decides the needs to go to a grocery store, buy a shaving kit and get rid of the goatee. When he arrives at his interview there is a man who had set up the interview that he meets first. He relates what transpired in the morning to David. As they both sit dazed in the events of the morning, Oscar waits till the interview is cancelled. Oscar panics to David – “How the hell will I get home cross the border to Canada today? I want to be with my wife and family.” David says very confidently “I’ll handle it.” Oscar is in total disbelief and dismisses David’s offer. David has a brother (let’s call him The Bro) who is a cop in the last town on the US border. He instructs Oscar to get to his house and wait inside. No one will be there but help yourself to beer (even names the brand) and wait. Oscar does the drive up and sure enough the house exists, the door is open and the beer is exactly where he said it would be. Soon The Bro enters, in full uniform, and says: “This is how it will go: I will drive you on my bike as a police escort. I will explain to the situation to the Canadian immigration officer. You are on your own from there.” Oscar makes it home on 9/11. This story is actually not so much about the tragedies of 9/11 – not about the victims or the perpetrators. It’s not about the terrible state of our nation not living our golden guideposts of The Constitution – violated endlessly starting that morning on 9/11. It’s not about Oscar. This story is about David and The Bro. David acted in his King. He asked his loyal brother to do something. The Bro is the classic archetype of the Warrior (New Warrior I may add). He took the King’s orders and acted diligently, with complete integrity and focus. Oscar, is the archetype of The Lover and The King. A man very present with his feelings and clear on what he wants – and asked for it. All 3 men in this story are Resonant Men.

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