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res·o·nance - noun
"Electricity- that condition of a circuit with respect to a given frequency or the like in which the net reactance is zero and the current flow a maximum." This definition of resonance as electricity is a great scientific way of the truth - we are all energy. What frequency do you choose to resonate at?

This blog is the beginning of The Resonant Man Project - a journey of discovery into what makes for an awake, aware and alive mature man. The entries will draw from many sources. The focus is global.

I request the following of You:
#1. Subscribe to this blog and invite others to join
#2. Comment often - all perspectives are welcome.
#3. Voice your opinion in our poll - it will change often

Remember: to shine your brilliant light on all you are being, doing and having. You choose your destiny with every breath.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great advertising

Go visit this link: http://pages.samsung.com/us/howiseeit/#/how-i-see-it-films and witness what I believe is brilliant advertising. Yes, I am biased given the focus of The Resonant Man on celebrating manhood, on exploring the many forms of rites of passage for men and on anything to do with the modern man who is standing up in responsibility, courage and the power that he is. This ad and campaign are a great example of fantastic story telling, engaging with emotion and humor at the same time, and linking a mainstream sport (NFL Football) with a modern day twist. I particularly love how the father crowns his son - that is a rite of passage! Please send me other great ads that celebrate the resonant men that are all around us. In these times of fear and uncertainty - it is of the utmost importance to celebrate the amazing grace all around us. I believe we live in the most amazing times - where we are finally awakening to the FACT that our thoughts create our reality. I choose to focus on love and making my dreams a reality - and not fear. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome video! It's not easy to combine advertising, branding, rite of passage, masculine development, and a dash of humor into a short video and make it work.

    But the creators of this video did it.

    Thank you for drawing attention to a great marketing piece that resonates with the energy of sacred masculinity.

