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res·o·nance - noun
"Electricity- that condition of a circuit with respect to a given frequency or the like in which the net reactance is zero and the current flow a maximum." This definition of resonance as electricity is a great scientific way of the truth - we are all energy. What frequency do you choose to resonate at?

This blog is the beginning of The Resonant Man Project - a journey of discovery into what makes for an awake, aware and alive mature man. The entries will draw from many sources. The focus is global.

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Remember: to shine your brilliant light on all you are being, doing and having. You choose your destiny with every breath.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Apollo and You

Take time to remember what a awesome day it was for those present to witness July 20, 1969. The first time when men stepped on the moon. Visit NASA site to read a lot more if you choose. Here are the three things that came up for me about this today: - Gratitude: for the 3 men who represented huminity in-person for the first time. The Heros. - Humility: for the scores of people who got them up there and BACK. The Warriors. - You & Me: what is mine to do with this historic event? On that 3rd one, here's where I am - see if this fits for you: Imagine what I (you) can do if I strived for such an accomplishment and believed I can do it? Does have to be this lofty but more importantly is something that all of my being really knows is right for me? For instance, I deserve to give 100% of my gifts through the work I get paid for. Until I can fully FEEL that it's 100% and live that with every breath - I haven't landed on the moon. Having said that, the journey as we know is equally important. I would add - when there is focus. Without focus - we'd never get to the moon. Imagine if the goal was - "let's land on any other planet" - not as effective in achieving the clear goal that was accomplished in 1969. So what's your Apollo right now? Go Apollorize your day my friends!!!

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