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res·o·nance - noun
"Electricity- that condition of a circuit with respect to a given frequency or the like in which the net reactance is zero and the current flow a maximum." This definition of resonance as electricity is a great scientific way of the truth - we are all energy. What frequency do you choose to resonate at?

This blog is the beginning of The Resonant Man Project - a journey of discovery into what makes for an awake, aware and alive mature man. The entries will draw from many sources. The focus is global.

I request the following of You:
#1. Subscribe to this blog and invite others to join
#2. Comment often - all perspectives are welcome.
#3. Voice your opinion in our poll - it will change often

Remember: to shine your brilliant light on all you are being, doing and having. You choose your destiny with every breath.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life - Part 4

"It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed." Said a bit differently, it's not what you've put concentrated effort into, it's what you've welcomed. I love this one. I have often put great effort into something - at work, in a relationship etc. And until and unless I welcome the outcome I desire - it's a drain on my energy and the journey is a drag. By simply allowing myself to feel, I open myself to the many possibilities ahead, without attachment to the outcome. How often have you been locked in how something must be? I invite you to welcome the many possibilities on whatever is dragging you down energetically today.

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